Saturday 1 March 2014

The Cold War Effect


        Let’s make it simple. Positive they-die, Negative you-die. There are no winner in war. It appears in human race has learned nothing,wars based on power and greed.  War is totally pointless,you shoot the people that have done to you. The way I see it is the war it just for the government to weed out the human population.

The Cold War was a sustained state of political and military tension between the power of: United States representing capitalism and democracy,and the Soviet Union,representing communism and authoritarianism.

This began of the success temporary wartime alliance against Nazi Germany,leaving the USSR and the US as two superpowers with profound economic and political differences.
Mutual fear between the two countries led to political confrontations. Differing economic philosophies resulted in opposing claims of what freedom meant,and economic competition les to massive military spending by both countries.

What are some positive and negative effects of cold war?

Lots of people die. Land,money,and power are lost if you lose. But,if you win you can gain land,money,and power but it still lose all three. The cold war costs so much money that the Soviet Union went broke because of the price of the arms race. It caused nations with the same ideology to band together against nations whose ideology was opposite. The more money spent on military build-up the less money spent on education and health care. It led to destructive conflicts like the Vietnam war and the Korean war. America became the sole superpower of the world. Many military bases closed down,with many un-employed people.  No more interest in Space Exploration.

It helped to created a stable political world. Many military bases with many employed people.  Ethnic cleamsing was almost non-existent. The world economic situation was subsequently greatly improved by the military build-up caused by the cold war. The implementation of the American “Marshall Plan”and the communist “Molotov Plan”,the nuclear arms race,and the global military build-up all served to create global political stability and economic prosperity. The Berlin Wall was demolished and the two German nations were unified.


1.      Economics
Competing to gain as much profit by investing the capital into developing countries are still relatively low wage labor. So that the profits soar too high.

2.      Military field
Due to envy each country improve their weapons and develop defenses. Weapon more advanced competition.

3.      Socio Cultural
With the advent of human rights, people increasingly believe in the democracy and there is no more oppression of the weak.

4.      Space
Perhaps if there is no cold war, we would not know how to form our solar system. At the time that the dispute between the two countries vying with each other to show the world that they are the best country to spread the doctrines they have.

5.      Technology
During the cold war science and technology are connected with military activity under the spotlight more than the government. The government is willing to expend substantial funds for the advancement of science and technology in their countries.

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